Job Title
Head Smart Campus Facens
Speaker Bio
Has over 35 years of international experience working in technology and innovation. Former as Special Adviser to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil. Head of Research and General Coordinator at Smart Campus FACENS, a prototype of a Smart City inside the College, that received the “Top Educacional/ABMES” and the “Innovation GS1” awards in 2016; “Smart City UK-London” in 2017; “Best IoT Implementation Europe IdTechEx”; “Top of Academy/RFIDBR/2018” and “InovaCidade” at Smart City Business America 2019. Also work as CEO at VIP-SYSTEMS Informática. Writer. Professor at FGV, FIA, ESALQ/USP, FDC, EINSTEIN and FACENS. International speaker. Consultant of innovation and technologies applied to businesses, retail and Smart Cities.
Regiane Relva Romano