Job Title
Project Manager / PI Consultant
Actemium /Roche
Speaker Bio
After a bachelor in Electronics, I started my career as a service engineer, going from site to site, being
exposed to upgrades, exchanging materials or commissioning activities in IT. Soon after, I entered the
energy industry and started to work with OSIsoft PI tools in the early 2000.
I worked in projects execution, using OSI soft tools and made the PI install at customer sites (DA and
processbook) in various location around the world.
Often customers asked “how to monitor their system” This is how my journey in the monitoring world
started. Several year later, I wrote my eMBA thesis about the “strategic relevance and potential of big
data in condition monitoring”.
In Pharma, the need for a monitoring tool bounced back on the table. This is how this new monitoring
tool, become an International project within Roche and OSI help.
This is the beginning of a fabulous journey, where possibility for analytic and notifications using OSIsoft
tools are endless.
Pascal Nass